Friday, July 18, 2014

Bohol, Philippines

  Another call for a vacation! By this time, an extended family vacay. We've got early trips.
Arrived at the place late in the afternoon and we're really that hungry. And then poof! Fiesta! Spent the whole day just in a trip and ate like monsters. Haha

 Early chillin' for our 2nd day. Getting ready for next adventures.
 Chatting with Paps, Kevin and Brent (nephew) while waiting for the van.

We've seen this old church  alongside ruined due to earthquakes.

 Our first destination was the famous Chocolate Hills. Honestly, we didn't enjoy the view that much because of too much heat from the sun. NOT good for the eyes. Haha
Paps wanted this shot. Haha 
Ready for the next destination. But first let us take a souvenir. (Say cheeeeeze!)

I was in the front seat and saw this beautiful scene alongside. The Man-made Forest. I was so kulit that I requested the driver to stop by and take some pictures. Haha. Then here you go! And take note, my photographer was our driver. Hahaha He initiated tho. Xx

Next stop was in the Butterfly House.
Butterflies were everywhere. You can get one and take pictures with it.

 Optical illusion. Let's fly!

 And then went to see tarsiers.
Bohol is also known for these small creatures.
Lots of tourists go to this place to have a face to face look with these cute tarsiers.
Spotted sleeping tarsier. We're on a silent mode so we won't disturb them.
Before leaving, let's take pictures first! Haha
Our own version of tarsier. Biggest tarsier so far. Haha it's his suggestion to take this shot. Brilliant nephew. lol

Our driver suggested to have this stop by to see the Blood Compact Shrine, a historical marker that identifies the spot where Datu Sikatuna forged a blood compact with Don Miguel Lopez de Legazpi for the purpose of fostering friendly relations between two countries.
We blocked the view just to have this pic. Haha
While I was walking around, I suddenly saw this breathtaking view. With that infinity pool on the side and a beautiful overview of the sea. That was cool!
And because of that, taking pictures with the view is a must! Haha

 This was one of those old churches ruined because of tremendous earthquakes. Paps and I have decided to see the place. So we went there. Don't have pics inside 'coz my camera's on standby for videos.
This one's the overview
Went downstairs at the back to see the whole place.
Now, this church serves like a museum. Old church paraphernalia were preserved and open for public viewing.

And that was a wonderful ride for the 2nd day. Excited for next day's adventure. Zaijian! ;)